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【Special Event for international students in English】Information session; Research & Development Group of HITACHI

  • 26新卒
  • オンライン

This event will be held in English.
Japanese skill is not required.

Features of this event / イベントの特徴

【International researchers will share their experience at Hitachi R&D group/ 現場で働く外国籍研究者が研究開発の魅力を紹介】

Two international researchers will join the event and introduce about their research, work environment, working style and so on.
We will have round table talk sessions which the researchers will answer to your questions directly.
If you would like to hear what kind of researchers are working and how they are working, or if you would like to hear the real life of Hitachi's R&D group, please join us!

A participant who joined this event last year received a job offer!/

Company introduction / 会社紹介

【About Hitachi, Ltd. / 株式会社日立製作所について】

Hitachi began as a small machine repair shop in the mining industry. The company was established by Namihei Odaira in 1910, with a mission to “Contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and products.”
We have grown up with 300K of employees (as whole group) and 10T of sales, but our funded sprit is the same as beginning.
Now our core business is “Social Innovation”. Hitachi will combine OT(operational technology), IT and products as a package to provide the optimum solutions, and contribute to “planetary boundaries” and “well-beings”.

【About Research & Development Group / 日立製作所の研究開発グループについて】

The Research & Development Group is creating innovative products and services by fusing technologies nurtured for years, including R&D, developing the new fields.
Researchers from both Japan and abroad with expertise in various fields are working together to promote R&D, with the aim of creating the best technologies in the world.
The Group is looking for people with a challenging spirit who want to create new products to change the world, and people who are interested in a variety of disciplines beyond their own research fields.

From the left: Central Research Laboratory (Tokyo), Yokohama Research Laboratory (Kanagawa), Hitachi Research Laboratory (Ibaraki)
※左から中央研究所(東京), 横浜研究所(神奈川), 日立研究所(茨城)

Speaker / 登壇者

Yawen Xue

University:Japan Advanced Institue of Science and Technology
University Major:Information Science
Current research theme:Domain-specific large language model

Ashlih Dameitry, Dr.Eng.

University:Institute of Science Tokyo (Formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology)
University Major:Mechanical and Control Engineering
Current research theme:Mechanism and recognition technology for medical laboratory automation

The Event Summary / イベント概要

Date: 5th of March / 3月5日
Venue: Online (Zoom) / オンライン(Zoom)
Attendee Requirements: International students (Masters/Doctors) who are aiming to be researchers, and can start working on 1st of April 2026 / 2026年4月1日に入社可能で研究職志望の大学院生(修士・博士)
*This event will be held in English. Japanese skill is not required.

Research Fields / 研究分野

・System field / システム分野
・Advanced Digital Technology field / 先端デジタルテクノロジー分野
・Advanced AI/Data Science field / 先端AI・データサイエンス分野
・Healthcare/Bio field / ヘルスケア・バイオ分野
・Instrumentation/Measurement & Informatics Field / 計測・インフォマティクス分野
・Environment/Energy field / 環境・エネルギー分野
・Electrification field / 電動化分野
・Mobility & Automation field / 制御・オートメーション分野
・Production Engineering, Mechatronics & Electronics Field / 生産・メカトロ・エレクトロニクス分野
「For more details →Research Area : Research & Development : Hitachi

Time Schedule / タイムスケジュール

5:45PM - 6:00PM
Check in at the reception / 受付
6:00PM - 6:05PM
Explanation about this event / イベント説明
6:05PM - 6:20PM
Introduction of Hitachi and R&D group / 会社説明会(研究開発職)
6:20PM - 6:30PM
Self introduction of international researchers / 社員紹介(2名)
6:30PM - 6:50PM
The Round Table Talk (Part 1) / 社員座談会1
6:50PM - 7:10PM
The Round Table Talk (Part 2) / 社員座談会2
7:10PM - 7:15PM
Introduction of recruitment process and Closing / 選考案内 & クロージング


Q Is it possible to participate on the day? / 当日参加は可能ですか?
A This is an event limited to those who pre-register. Please register by 5PM the day before the event via the "Apply" button.
Q Can I cancel my reservation? / 予約をキャンセルすることはできますか?
A After logging in to Acaric, select [イベント申し込み状況 (Your Event Registration Status)], from the left side of your account top page, choose this event, and click on the green [× キャンセル (cancel) ] button at the right bottom.